However, business and the economy have marched on—and seemingly the companies that have figured out how to navigate through challenge after pitfall after complication have been wise ones. Here at DigitalThinker, we happen to work with many of those clever organizations. We are happy to report that Hexagon EAM has presented new functionality to many businesses as they have sought to face COVID-19 on and deal with this pandemic. How are these organizations doing this exactly? EAM Mobile enables field workers to harness the power of extended robust asset management.
Mobile EAM as Disease Prevention
COVID-19 has placed considerable stress on all of us—as business owners, parents, employees, colleagues, citizens, friends…really, as people.Ultimately, the small gestures and activities that were once commonplace have morphed into something strange and ill-fitting.
However, even prior to the pandemic our world was increasingly becoming digital and mobile—and now, we are required to turn to this technology even more and place our dependence on it in order to continue on so that we may make progress even in the face of an ongoing pandemic.
With this in mind, Hexagon has risen to the challenge with Mobile EAM, a portable asset management solution that has the ability to support multiple applications via the use of a single device, like a tablet. What this cutting-edge technology does, right now, is provide a contactless, paperless solution that allows team members to remain socially distant, reduce the sharing of materials, and further minimize COVID-19 being spread in a work setting. Mobile EAM allows your team members to remain in contact and connected—without, you know, having to be physically close in proximity.
Cutting-Edge Technology That Keeps Your Team (At Least) 6 Feet Apart
Mobile EAM also easily meshes with other technology including Geographic Systems (GIS), GPS, multi-dimensional barcode reading, and RFID. That integrate with back-end enterprise ERP systems, calibration systems, and HR platforms. Mobile EAM can assist with workflow management, inventory management, inspection and audits, direct store delivery, preventative maintenance, and asset management—and comes pre-packaged with templates that are mobile-centric and user friendly.
Now, if you are wondering if Mobile EAM could be a game changer for your business as you try to deal with—and come out on the other side of—this “new normal” unscathed, then know that we want to help you with that journey. DigitalThinker is ready to help you through the aquisition and setup of Mobile EAM. We can also help train your team on the Hexagon platform in an environment that is safe, sanitary, and socially distant. Give us a call today and let’s talk Mobile EAM!