What the future looks like isn’t necessarily clear, there is one thing that is non-negotiable. To operate right now clean and organized procedures must be implemented. We will discuss how to update preventative maintenance schedules, which is key in safeguarding against contamination and spread of COVID-19.
Clean and Safe Workplaces & Preventative Maintenance Schedules
As the business environment has changed, it is foolish to think that we can go back to the same protocols that were in place prior to the pandemic. Stated by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE):
- Strategic plans should be in place prior to the building’s reopening and should address how to make the building’s occupants feel safer and more confident that their health and wellness are important. ASHRAE notes that ensuring there are no breaks in the supply chain for items such as filters, PPE, and other necessary supplies is imperative.
- HVAC programming must provide flushing two hours before and after occupancy. This means operating exhaust fans and opening outside air dampers for proper ventilation.
- Thoroughly follow that high-touch HVAC areas are disinfected regularly with cleaning products approved by the EPA and CDC.
Of course, your preventative maintenance schedule and protocols may vary based on your industry. Yes, it may be tempting to think of this time as an opportunity to cut costs in the face of economic downturn and declining revenues—but in our opinion, that is also a recipe for disaster for your business if you want to see the other side of this incredible and unprecedented time in our nation and our world’s history.
Once you have established the new preventative maintenance schedules and protocols. Reinforce the need of how to use and dispose of protective gear, how to maintain social distance in tight work quarters, how to properly handle and use disinfectants, and other pertinent points. Again, this might vary depending on your industry and business—just make sure the lines of communication are open and that the flow of information is constant. Remember, the health and wellness of many people depend on your business getting this right.
Of course, you do not have to go about operating in this “new normal” alone. DigitalThinker welcomes the opportunity to be your partner. We are eager to show you how Hexagon EAM enables a safe and compliant workplace. We have the know-how, the tools, and the ability to help you harness the best in technology. Reach out to our team today and let’s begin a conversation. It is time to envision what is around the corner and drive to get better. Contact us now.